Quick Quack Car Wash Reviews

Based on 4 customer reviews from our shopper community, Quick Quack Car Wash's overall rating is 2.25 out of 5 stars and 50% of reviewers recommend this brand, which indicates that this brand is not as good as expected by most customers.


4 Reviews

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All Reviews (4)
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September 21, 2022
I've been with this company since they moved to Corpus Christi, TX, specifically for my brand new Hyundai 2020 Accent which I wanted to keep in tip top shape. Until recently it was fine, until I get a wash and my antenna is missing and my circuitry is exposed, I go back and complain, they file an incident report, and end up finding my antenna in the car wash. It was clear their machines broke it since its a brand new car that's never been in a accident. I wait about 2 weeks until I call, and they call back saying my claim was denied. I've been paying 60 dollars every month for about 2 years, and this company is refusing to do anything about damage they caused to a brand new car.
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June 24, 2022
"Opened a month to month agreement at…"
Opened a month to month agreement at 24.99 on March 15 2022. I asked the service attendant if I need to end the contract how is that done? He responded call the number on the wipe on or about the 15th to end service. Pretty simple, so I called April 14 on a recorded line and spoke to a John in Roseville and requested he cancel service.
Seemingly, no problems. That was until my bank alerted me that QQCW took another 24.99 and then raised their rates and proceeded to take an additional 29.99.
I attempted to block their continued attempts through my bank but received another 29.99 charge.
The bank refused their charges but never got feedback from QQCW. Who continues to charge my account.
I am owed a current refund of 54.98 and am pursuing a full return. Personally or legally if required.
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